What you’ll need for your LIHEAP appointment

  • Social Security numbers for all household members
  • Income verification (last 30 days)
  • Copy of most current heating and electric bill
  • View the LIHEAP income guidelines here
  • Remember to use 200% for LIHEAP eligibility
  • Or call Operation Threshold in your county for assistance


  • You must continue making payments on your heating and electric bills!
  • If you move or your account number changes with the utility company, you must contact the Operation Threshold office in your county within 45 days!
  • An approval for the LIHEAP program allows you winter moratorium protection from disconnection but does not guarantee a payment.
  • If your application is approved, LIHEAP may provide assistance, a one-time payment towards your heating bill.
  • LIHEAP funds will be paid on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • The LIHEAP payment amount will be based on factors such as total household income, household size, dwelling type and type of heating.